Sunday, September 9, 2012

Video Blog

Since I moved here, I've been working on a video diary. I love compiling videos - to me, it's like a moving photo album, and it shows you so much more than photos can. I wanted to capture some of the scenery on the trails by my condo, as well as Horsetooth and my friends' visit last weekend. 

Wouldn't you know, when I went to finally put it all together it wasn't as simple as the other times. My computer's hard drive has recently filled up down to the last KB, so I have been experiencing some annoying issues. My external hard drive is way too small to accommodate anything beyond my time machine backups, so there is no moving photos or video off of my computer as of now. I uploaded my videos into iPhoto and deleted them off my phone because they uploaded successfully. However, when I went to move them into iMovie, the computer freaked out and scrambled nearly every video I took during my friends' visit, so that now they are all destroyed beyond repair. I cannot begin to describe how frustrating and devastating this was. 

I included the few videos that somehow did not get destroyed, but I am sad that so many of the good ones are now gone, and I had to fill the video with more scenery shots than I would have liked. We had a great time, though, and it was nice to have some familiar faces in town. Josh stayed in Denver with his brother the rest of the week, and Nick also moved to Denver this week so I got to go down there on Friday and Saturday and spend some time with them. Denver is such an easy drive from Fort Collins, and I hope it won't be my last trip down there. 

Watch the video here

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